What is creativity? (v1.0)

Chat GPT returns the following on what is creativity. 


Creativity is a fundamental human trait that sets us apart from other animals. It enables us to develop new ideas and solve problems innovatively. Creativity is also considered as the most important soft skill of the 21st century. It help us express our feelings and ideas about all kinds of things and allows us to share our ideas with other people. When we look at a problem in a new way, we can sometimes find a solution we hadn't thought of before. Creative people can look at a problem from many angles, solve it, and still have something left for the next problem. Creative people don't always find solutions to problems; sometimes, they just find ways around them. Creativity is also important in education, as it allows us to push boundaries of what is possible, imagine new worlds, and find solutions to the most pressing problems facing our society.  

In summary, creativity is important because it allows us to:

1.   Express our feelings and ideas about all kinds of things.

2.   Share our ideas with other people.

3.   Find innovative solutions to complex problems.

4.   Look at a problem from many angles and solve it.

5.   Push the boundaries of what is possible and imagine new worlds. 


Creativity is especially emphasized in disciplines like the arts and writing and design/architecture. 

 In this essay I focus on what works as the creative process for me at least in solving problems innovatively or coming up with new ideas or thinking. I fall more into the design/architecture bucket. Others may favor other processes or have the capacity to sustain other processes. What is creativity for an artist, or a creative writer may also be very different. There are four parts to my process.  

1.     First, to me the key most fundamental capability for the process, and its starting point, is seeing connections between things or ideas or facts. This is the bedrock on which everything else rests. 

2.     Second, once you see the connections, you construct bigger and bigger mosaics and patterns of interconnected facts and ideas and data. Looking at the problem from multiple angles surfaces more connections and facts and adds to the mosaic and patterns forming. You begin to see the bigger picture. 

3.     Third, you then recognize brand new inferences or ideas or data or solutions from the growing patterns and draw them out as the creative output of the process. 

4.     Your values, judgement and experience help aid the process. Writing the result down in an understandable coherent way is a key component of the process. 

Thoughts welcome on what you think. 
