Govt 13: US demographics (v1.0)
The white population fertility rate is low relative to the non-whites/Hispanics. Average for US is 1664 per 1000 women (not even replacement level!), with NHPI at 2131, Hispanics at 1899, Non-Hispanic Blacks at 1675 and Non-Hispanic Whites at 1598. The white population is currently 57 to 58%. In another 20 to 25 years, the non-white/Hispanic population is projected to overtake it. Whites on average are more affluent than non-whites. (Whites here are non-Hispanic whites)
A UN study clearly demonstrates that as prosperity in a population increases, the fertility decreases. Many developed countries are seeing this phenomenon. Actually, prosperity is increasing across the whole globe with notable exceptions. This is why UN projections say the world population will stabilize and flatten out horizontally. Don’t worry about an uncontrolled population explosion. But the growth in population meanwhile is centered in less affluent nonwhite countries.
The whites have largely led the economic growth and prosperity of the U.S. all these years. But the workforce that will power the economy in the future will get increasingly more diverse. Another reason the workplace will get more diverse is because nonwhites enjoy more equality and opportunities to climb their way up (for example equal employment and housing laws, anti-discrimination laws, and more nonwhites in government making policy).
Immigration factors into all this too. Unlike in the past, both legal and unauthorized immigrants are mostly nonwhite these days. Immigration to the United States has been a major source of population growth throughout much of history. In absolute numbers, the United States has by far the highest number of immigrants in the world, with 50,661,149 people as of 2019. This represents 19.1% of the 244 million international migrants worldwide, and 14.4% of the United States' population. In 2018, there were almost 90 million immigrants and US born children of immigrants in the United States, accounting for 28% of the overall U.S. In 2017, out of the U.S. foreign-born population, some 45% (20.7 million) were naturalized citizens, 27% (12.3 million) were lawful permanent residents, 6% (2.2 million) were temporary lawful residents, and 23% (10.5 million) were unauthorized immigrants. As of 2018, approximately half of immigrants living in the United States are from Mexico and other Latin American countries. The United States led the world in refugee resettlement for decades, admitting more refugees than the rest of the world combined. I have written a separate essay on unauthorized immigration and challenges there in stemming the flow (
Abortion policies can impact demographics. The anti-abortion movement in US is driven primarily by religious considerations. Since this is an essay on demographics, one could speculate though that a factor could be a desire to increase the white population. The speculation could be that this is because if religion was the only reason, you would apply it to yourself the believer and not try to impose it on everyone in the state/country so there is some other factor at play too. Another flavor of this speculation could be increasing native populations relative to immigrants. However, I think the whites in a state with an abortion ban will just go to another state to get an abortion (freedom of movement across state lines is guaranteed by the constitution) because many can afford it. It is the poorer blacks and browns and immigrants who may not be able to afford it. Also, many Hispanics are Catholic and anti-abortion which counters any narrative of a white crusade. If this really were a reason for abortion bans, it likely will actually boomerang on its proponents. The far more likely reason is a strong visceral belief among the believers that abortion is murder, and the faith requires the believer to not just practice it themselves but stop abortions when others do it. Anyway, in my opinion such bans will not work. Increasingly also, easier to obtain abortion pills are becoming available. Practically, you really cannot force people to have children they don’t want in a country like the US.
The point I am making is that nonwhites will increasingly power the economy, and it is in the best interest of the country and the future economy to ensure they are given adequate opportunities by policy to do so (without discriminating against whites).