bio1: Water, Proteins, Carbs, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals (v1.0)
This is the first in a series of essays on Biochemistry,
Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology (Cytology). I will not really
though dwell into the details of the chemical structure of any molecule in this
series. A key reference for this series is Professor Kevin Ahern of Oregon
State University. I will start
off by drilling down on the four key ingredients of humans and their foods –
Water, Amino Acids and Peptides and Proteins, Fats and Lipids, and Sugars and
Carbohydrates. I will
also touch on Vitamins and Minerals. I will also briefly
mention hormones and enzymes. In this essay I won't talk much about
the roles these chemicals play in our body or the composition of
Biochemistry is the branch of science concerned with the
chemical and physicochemical processes and substances that occur within living
organisms. It is a fascinating field that delves into the intricate
molecular workings of living organisms. Biochemists aim to unravel
the chemical basis underlying biological processes within cells.
Biochemistry extends its reach to tissues and organs. Investigating energy
production, storage, and utilization is another objective. Biochemistry
also plays a crucial role in understanding diseases. Molecular biology is
a branch of biology that seeks to understand the molecular basis of
biological activity in and between cells, including
biomolecular synthesis, modification, mechanisms, and interactions. Cell biology
(also cytology) is a branch of biology that studies the structure, function,
and behavior of cells. All living organisms are made of cells.
body of a healthy lean man is composed of roughly 62% water, 16% fat, 16%
protein, 6% minerals and less than 1% Carbohydrates. It also has very
small amounts of Vitamins and other miscellaneous substances. I will focus
on these in this essay.
I will
briefly touch on Minerals. The major minerals stored and used in
the body in larger amounts are Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphorous,
Potassium, Sodium, and Sulfur. These major minerals are essential. Other trace
minerals are just as vital to our health as the major minerals and mainly
consists of Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Chromium, Copper, Cobalt (as part of vitamin
B-12 only), Fluoride, Molybdenum, Manganese, and Selenium. I won’t dwell
further on minerals. You can do further research on what the role of each of
these minerals is in the body.
I will
briefly touch on Vitamins. Vitamins are organic
molecules (or a set of closely related molecules called vitamers) that are
essential to an organism in small quantities for proper metabolic function. Vitamins
A, D, E and K are fat soluble. The body stores them in fatty tissue and the
liver. Vitamin C and all the B vitamins are water soluble and are not stored
and pass out in the urine. Since it is not stored, people need a regular supply
of water-soluble vitamins more than fat soluble vitamins. I won’t dwell
further on Vitamins. You can do further research on what the role of each of
these Vitamins is in the body.
Water is an essential and irreplaceable part of all life. It
is in the cells inside of us and in bodily fluids. All cellular processes
involve water!! Its key role in life is because of its unique
properties in conditions like on earth.
- · A liquid normally that expands on freezing.
- · Is a polar molecule with a clear positive and negative charge side.
- · Forms hydrogen bonds across molecules and with other dissimilar molecules.
- · An effective solvent for most hydrophilic compounds.
- · Slight ionization occurs so acts slightly both acidic and alkaline equally.
- · It affects the behavior of all other biological molecules.
It is no accident that life first emerged in
water! Blood is
a fluid that supplies essential substances, such as sugars, oxygen, and
hormones, to every cell and organ, and removes waste from the cells. It also
fights sickness and does other crucial functions. So, it is vital. Blood is slightly alkaline and always has an acidity/alkaline
measure called PH factor between 7.35 and 7.45 (7.0 is water – acidic and
alkaline in equal balance). If it goes above 7.45 it is called alkalosis with
corresponding symptoms. If it goes below 7.35 it is called acidosis with
corresponding symptoms. PH below 6.8 or above 7.8 can result in death. Water
plays a key role in stabilizing and preserving blood PH level through an effect
called buffering. A buffer is a solution that can resist pH change upon
the addition of acidic or basic components (you might have seen this in a
chemistry lab in school during titration!). There are no
evidence diet affects blood PH so don’t worry!! But keeping your body always
hydrated is very important.
The building blocks of proteins and peptides are amino
acids. There are over 700 amino acids known but there are only 20 key amino
acids your body needs to function properly. Part of the chemical structure
of an amino acid is common to all. The varying part is called the radical or
side chain. The common part consists of:
- ·
carbon atom
- ·
hydrogen atom
- ·
carboxyl group (COOH)
- ·
amino group (NH2)
If the radical contains only carbon
and hydrogen atoms, then the amino acid is called aliphatic. If the radical
contains an aromatic ring structure, it is called aromatic (you might have
studied aromatic compounds like benzene in introductory organic chemistry in
college). Some side chains have Sulphur. Half the amino acids are
hydrophobic (repelled by water. Have side chains that are non-polar) and others
are hydrophilic (love water. Have side chains that are polar). Neutral amino acids are neither acidic nor alkaline but may be polar or non-polar. Nine of
the amino acids are called essential. Essential amino acids must be consumed
through the food you eat because the body does not produce at all or produce
enough. Conditional essential amino acids are ones that must be consumed by
diet when the body does not produce enough under certain physical or medical
conditions. The 20 amino acids our body needs are:
- Alanine, (nonpolar, aliphatic)
- Arginine,
(conditional essential, alkaline-polar)
- Asparagine,
(polar, neutral)
- Aspartic Acid,
- Cysteine, (polar,
conditional essential, contains Sulphur)
- Glutamine, (polar, conditional essential, neutral)
- Glutamic Acid, (acidic-polar)
- Glycine, (nonpolar, conditional essential, aliphatic)
- Histidine,
(essential, aromatic, alkaline-polar)
- Isoleucine,
(nonpolar, essential, aliphatic)
- Leucine,
(nonpolar, essential, aliphatic)
- Lysine,
(essential, alkaline-polar)
- Methionine,
(nonpolar, essential, aliphatic, contains Sulphur)
- Phenylalanine,
(nonpolar, essential, aromatic)
- Proline,
(nonpolar, conditional essential, aliphatic)
- Serine, (polar,
- Threonine,
(polar, essential, neutral)
- Tryptophan,
(nonpolar, essential, aromatic)
- Tyrosine, (polar,
- Valine.
(nonpolar, essential, aliphatic)
Amino acids are imperative
for sustaining the health of a human body. If amino acids are deficient the
protein synthesis would stop. Amino
acids largely promote the:
- Hormones production
- muscle's
- Nervous system
- Vital organs
- Cellular
Amino acids form bonds
with other amino acids called peptide bonds which are covalent bonds.
Polypeptide chains are chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds and these
chains fold into proteins. One end of a poly peptide chain is called the amino
group and has nitrogen and two hydrogens (NH2). The other end is called the
carboxyl group and contains a carbon atom with two oxygen atoms and also a
hydrogen atom attached to one of the oxygen atoms (COOH). The first
amino acid seen at the start of all proteins is methionine. Cysteine Amino
acids with Sulphur next to each other in protein folding also form
disulfide bonds. You can do further research on what the role of proteins
and peptides is in the body. They have a gigantic role in the body!! I
will drill down more into protein structure, and folding in a later
essay. (URL: The amino acids are like alphabets. With these alphabets you
can form words, sentences, and paragraphs. This is similar to amino acids and
poly peptides and proteins. Titin is the largest protein and has about 30,000
amino acids. It acts as
a molecular spring that is responsible for the passive elasticity of
I will briefly touch on two extremely important chemicals
called hormones and enzymes. Hormones are chemical messengers
that coordinate different functions in your body. Several glands, organs and
tissues make and release hormones, many of which make up your endocrine system.
Hormones are typically proteins or steroids. Hormones are not enzymes. Enzymes
are proteins that
act as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which
chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process. Biological processes that occur are
chemical reactions and are mostly regulated by enzymes. I won’t dwell further on Hormones and
Enzymes. You can do further research on what the role of each of them is in the
body. Hormones are critical and I will talk about them more in a
later essay. (URL:
As much as we worry about living with
sugar, we cannot live without it. Sugars are a group of molecules with a
particular chemical makeup. Sugars are one carbon atom for
every water molecule multiplied by N (>=3) where N varies (CH2O) * N. The
simplest sugars are also called monosaccharides and are the building
blocks for higher carbohydrates. Examples of simple monosaccharides
are glucose (N=6), fructose (N=6), Mannose (N=6) and galactose (N=6). Two
monosaccharides combined is a disaccharide. Glucose + Galactose = Lactose.
Glucose + Fructose = Sucrose. 3 to 10 simple sugars combined are called
oligosaccharides. Combinations with more than 10 are called polysaccharides.
Polysaccharides are also called complex carbohydrates and include important
ones like fiber, starch and glycogen. Glycogen is a very important
polysaccharide in animals as is starch and cellulose in plants. Sugars are an
energy source for the body, but fats are an even higher energy source (twice as
much). But sugar is a source for ready quick energy while fats are not. Sugars
also are water soluble and can easily be transported to every cell while fats
are not.
Every cell uses a crucial process
called metabolism to release energy from sugars. Catabolism is the set of
metabolic processes that break down complex molecules into smaller units.
Example is complex carbohydrates to sugars, fatty acids to sugars or
proteins to sugars. Protein breakdown is the theory behind high protein low
sugar diets. A polysaccharide called Glycogen is made and stored by the liver
and muscle. We only have enough energy stored in this Glycogen for just about
24 hours, so we need to get nourishment periodically. I will dwell more
into metabolism in a later essay. (URL:
Our main preoccupation with fat is
losing it. But fats are part of a broader group called lipids that
are essential to life. Two thirds of the brain is lipids!! Lipids include fats,
oils, waxes, steroids, some hormones, and even some vitamins. Many have the
same elements as carbohydrates. Others include nitrogen. Lipids have one part
that is hydrophobic and overall are not hydrophilic but may be amphiphilic
(comfortable with both water and oils). They don’t play in the same watery
neighborhoods that other bio molecules do. Fats and cholesterol are very phobic
about water. Lipids are not polymers like Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Nucleic
acids. Their molecules are small.
Fatty acids are the smallest simplest
lipids, and they are amphiphilic. In the body they are typically attached to a
sugar molecule called glycerol. A glycerol with a bundle of three fatty acids
attached is called a triglyceride. Triglycerides are completely hydrophobic and
water insoluble. Fatty acids have a long hydrophobic carbon tail while the head
is hydrophilic. Examples are stearic acid (18 carbon atoms in tail) and oleic
acid (18 carbon atoms in tail). Fatty acids are saturated (no double bonds in carbon
tail) or unsaturated. Unsaturated can be monounsaturated (one double bond only
in carbon tail like oleic acid) or polyunsaturated (multiple double bonds in
carbon tail like linoleic acid). If the double bond causes a kink in the tail,
it is a cis fatty acid. Otherwise it is a trans fatty acid. Trans fatty acids
occur in many industrially processed foods due to a process called partial
hydrogenation. Trans fats can be bad for your cardiovascular health. Our body
cannot make omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids so they must be
obtained from the diet. Lipoproteins have an outer shell of protein and an
inner shell of fat. HDL and LDL are lipoproteins (also called
cholesterol). Elevated levels
of cholesterol in the blood, especially when bound to LDL, may increase the
risk of heart disease.
Saturated fatty acids with straight
tails can be packed and are solids at room temperature like butter. Most plant
derived oils cannot be easily packed because they predominantly pack
unsaturated fatty acids with kinks in their tails and are liquids at room
temperature like olive oil. Coconut oil, while plant based, is predominantly
made of saturated fatty acids and is solid at room temperature. All plant-based
oils are a mix of fatty acid types.
This essay describes the key chemicals that constitute our bodies or are created or consumed or used by it. Many of them are in our food. Nucleic acids are one more component in our bodies I did not cover. I will touch on it later.