Goodbye blogging (v1.0)

I had written earlier that my blogging will soon stop.

My blogging career is now over. Goodbye, and thank you all for reading my essays. 

The blog site will remain intact untouched (unless I get kicked out of for some reason). 

I have put out probes to gauge two things. 

  • Is anybody willing to take on access and packaging and distribution of my climate change info in some form? As I said it has value beyond my blogs. 
  • Is there interest in the climate change activist or educator community for my services as a science writer writing about climate change science only? I don't charge to help the children of the world!! My interest is citizen education and awareness of the science.

Any future content produced will be outside these blogs.

If nothing emerges for more work on climate science writing or rollout, I will be doing socializing, relaxed reading, interacting with relatives and friends, etc. Fun in my old age!!

The climate essays have also been put in a dedicated blogsite for climate at:

Feel free to send this URL to whoever may be interested or could benefit from it. Feel free to cart off this content and adapt for your purposes if you wish. All this content is free and is made available as a public service.

You can do the same for other parts of my personal blog site too but please use your judgement for my personal information.


PR said…
Goodbye Jay nd thank you for your effort, patience nd systematic, thought provoking but user friendly for laymen to understand.
Thoroughly enjoyed all the varied topics u covered.
Your attitude was till the end was great! I am sure it will be useful to many who want to expand their understanding!
Do write when you got something to say do continue to share. There is no time limit on that.
All the best to you!!